Ozone Therapy and Autoimmune Disorder

How it helps
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People without an autoimmune disorder simply don’t understand what it’s like. Correctly functioning immune systems work in the background, so the only time we’re even aware something is wrong is when our immune system shows signs that it’s working. That’s when we cough, sneeze, vomit, get fevers, and so on.

But for people living with an autoimmune disorder, life can become filled with constant dreadful symptoms that never seem to leave. Some autoimmune disease patients try dozens of different doctors and countless modalities clinging to the hope that maybe, just maybe, this time things will be different. 

It is important that you consult with your medical practitioner before attempting any form of ozone therapy.  This article is for educational purposes only.  This website is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed medical professional. This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. The statements regarding ozone treatments have not been evaluated by the FDA.

At a glance:

  • Autoimmune disorders turn the immune system against itself 
  • Conventional medicine often offers temporary solutions that may be harmful long term 
  • Integrative medicine has more experience treating the whole body for lasting benefit 
  • Many practitioners use ozone therapy as one helpful modality in part of a larger plan 
  • Ozone therapy for autoimmune disorder is best used consistently at home with IV supplements in the clinic 

How autoimmune disorders work

The immune system is a network of organs, tissues and cells that work together to produce antibodies that fight off infection and disease. When a disease, infection, or other harmful group of cells is introduced into the body, antibodies produced by the immune system attack the harmful antigens. 

But an autoimmune disorder turns that process on its head. Autoimmune disorders cause the antibodies designed for attacking harmful antigens to actually attack healthy cells, tissues and organs instead. This results in a host of issues, and lies at the heart of a long list of autoimmune diseases

While autoimmune diseases are rarely deadly, they’re never a walk in the park. Some — like celiac or Addison disease — are limited to only one system or organ, while others — like Lyme or SLE — end up affecting multiple systems for nearly a total body sickness. 

Conventional treatment approaches 

All autoimmune diseases have the same quality that’s tricky for doctors and frustrating for patients: there is no cure for any autoimmune disorder. The way this problem is approached is what separates conventional medicine from integrative medicine. 

The conventional approach to autoimmune disorders is generally either to manage symptoms with drugs, or to prescribe immunosuppressants that hold back the immune system. While often effective, symptom-managing drugs and immunosuppressants are far from a long term solution. Eventually the immune system becomes so reliant on the drugs that it weakens beyond recovery. 

Integrative treatment approaches 

In contrast, an integrative practitioner will take a holistic approach to autoimmune treatment. This type of approach to medicine takes every aspect of health into account. 

Diagnostics to consider

  1. A micronutrient sufficiency test such as Genova NutrEval to better understand vitamin, mineral, and essential fat deficiencies.  
  2. A DNA PCR-based Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis like those from the Genova GI Effects profile for dysbiosis, parasite infections, pancreatic enzyme sufficiency, and markers of gastrointestinal inflammation 
  3. An Organic Acids Test such as Genova Diagnostics Organix Comprehensive Profile to identify deficiencies in amino acids
  4. An adrenal salivary cortisol index test from a company like ZRT lab to evaluate cortisol secretion patterns and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction

These tests will be invaluable in unearthing the root causes of your illness and defining a trajectory for treatment.


It’s difficult to understand the amount of toxins and damaging cells that are introduced into our bodies through what we eat. Many integrative practitioners take a diet based approach as the foundation because gut issues (leaky gut, IBD, Crohn’s, etc.) are often associated with autoimmune disorders.

An autoimmune disorder is reacting negatively to an external “something”.  So it’s important to remove the “something”.  This could be food (even what is normally considered healthy), water quality, air quality, mold exposure, etc.

We recommend working with a doctor to unearth a better understanding of your root cause.

Ozone Therapy for Autoimmune Disease

Ozone therapy for autoimmune disorder is the application of medical grade ozone gas into the body.  It is typically done when a small amount of ozone/oxygen gas is applied by IV, rectal, or vaginal insufflation.  

Ozone therapy is primarily used in autoimmune disorders because:

  • Ozone therapy causes immune modulation
  • Ozone therapy decreases oxidative stress
  • Ozone therapy improves oxygenation and metabolism

Ozone Therapy helps the immune system balance itself 

An autoimmune disorder indicates the immune system is not functioning correctly and may attack the wrong cells.  Ozone therapy modulates the immune system, causing it to balance out and perform appropriately.  (23, 24, 25, 26, 27)

Dr. Robert Rowen demonstrated an impressive case study on a severe autoimmune disease called dermatomyositis. The patient had been receiving high doses of prednisone and other immune suppressing drugs from conventional doctors, which only resulted in adverse side effects. But by simply removing an oral infection and implementing regular ozone therapy, Dr. Rowen claimed to completely reverse the symptoms and bring the patient’s immune system into balance.  (28)

Ozone Therapy regulates oxidative stress

Ozone therapy helps to reduce the amount of oxidative stress in the body, a leading cause of aging and disease.

Chronic oxidative stress is found in nearly all diseases.  It occurs when your body creates too many free radicals, causing damage and destruction of cells.  

Poor health choices, diseases, and environmental factors can accelerate oxidative stress. This can lead to chronic inflammation, which Harvard Medical names as the cause of most chronic diseases.  (12)

If oxidative stress is a key factor to chronic disease, inflammation, and aging, is there a way to reduce it?

You betcha. 

According to lead researchers in this field, ozone therapy is able to not only mediate or reduce oxidative stress, but also increase oxygen efficiency, improve blood circulation, detoxify the body on a cellular level, and more. (13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)

Ozone Therapy Oxygenates The Body

The scientific community claims ozone therapy is versatile and causes a “cascade” effect of positive reactions. They also claim it increases oxygen efficiency while helping your body produce more energy.  (4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

Oxygen efficiency is different from breathing oxygen. Breathing gets oxygen into your body, but oxygen efficiency describes how well you use it.

You can breathe all the oxygen you want (not a bad idea), but what’s more important for your overall health is how well your body puts that oxygen to use (oxygen efficiency).  Ozone therapy may help people increase their oxygen efficiency.

Best Way to Apply Ozone Therapy for Autoimmune Conditions

For autoimmune conditions, it’s typically best to apply a systemic form of ozone therapy (the whole body benefits).  These include:

Intravenous ozone therapy needs to be done at a clinic, but vaginal or rectal ozone therapy can be done at home.

Vaginal and rectal ozone are as effective as IV ozone therapy when done regularly.

How to Do Ozone Therapy at Home for Autoimmune Disease

To do ozone therapy at home, you will need to administer ozone therapy via rectal or vaginal ozone 3–5 times per week.  It takes about 5–10 minutes per session.

To get started:

  • Download our guide
  • Buy ozone generator kit
  • Follow the protocols that are in the guide
  • See benefits within 30–60 days

Cost of Ozone Therapy for Autoimmune Disease

There are a number of intravenous ozone therapies.  Generally you will see a cost ranging between $200–$1,500 per treatment depending on the type and location.  So typically people will spend $2,000–$20,000 for a series of IV treatments.

An entire setup for doing ozone therapy at home costs $1,400-$2,000 and can be done indefinitely.  The cost per treatment becomes very low after a year or two.  So it’s more valuable if you do it regularly.

Ozone Doctors for Autoimmune Disorders

We recommend talking with a doctor if you’re considering ozone therapy for your autoimmune condition. 

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