A lot of stigma and misinformation surrounds both herpes and ozone therapy. It may be surprising, then, to discover that many doctors actually use ozone therapy as a treatment for herpes. In this article we will present the relevant facts of the herpes virus and of ozone therapy. Then we’ll explore the possibility of using ozone therapy for herpes.
Contrary to the stigma, herpes as a whole is not primarily a sexually transmitted disease. There are actually two different types of the herpes simplex virus.
Herpes Simplex virus 1 (oral herpes) typically manifests as raised red blisters around the mouth and lips. These blisters are generally uncomfortable, and are often referred to as cold sores or fever blisters. Oral herpes is spread through oral secretions or skin sores (such as the blisters formed from HSV-1). Sharing a toothbrush, straw or utensils can spread oral herpes just as easily as kissing on the lips. But since oral herpes is primarily spread through saliva and is so highly contagious, most people have contracted or will contract HSV-1 before adulthood.
Herpes Simplex virus 2 (genital herpes) is similar to HSV-1 in appearance and discomfort, but only manifests on or around the genitals or rectum. Unlike oral herpes, which can be contracted as young as infancy, HSV-2 is a sexually transmitted disease.
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Ozone therapy is a well-researched and long-practiced form of treatment that addresses the root of disease and poor health, instead of just the symptoms.
There are multiple forms of ozone therapy, but systemic treatments are generally the kind of ozone therapy used for herpes.
Systemic ozone treatments have been shown to benefit the entire body by attacking free radicals and optimizing blood oxygenation. These treatments go far deeper than addressing symptoms, and actually help your body do what it was designed to do.
Successful systemic ozone therapy treatments will:
This leads to a decrease in the amount and severity of outbreaks while lowering the burden on the immune system.
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So when using ozone therapy for diseases like herpes, it’s easy to see why systemic treatments are often preferred by practitioners. There are essentially two types of systemic ozone therapy treatments: autohemotherapy (IV ozone therapy) and rectal insufflation.
Rectal insufflation can be done in a clinic or at home with proper training and equipment. It is the process of introducing ozone to the body through the colon via the rectum. Nobody likes the sound of it, but it has almost exactly the same efficacy as autohemotherapy for a fraction of the cost. It can also be done every day, whereas any IV therapy should only be done on occasion.
For lesions or sores from herpes, it’s certainly worthwhile considering ozone oil for healing the area and killing pathogens on the skin.
It makes sense to use systemic ozone therapy as a treatment for herpes because ozone therapy doesn’t force your body to do anything. Ozone therapy simply boosts the natural defense mechanisms your body already has in place. So your body does the work of fighting off the herpes virus. Using ozone therapy for herpes just helps your body do its job better.
A body that is healthy and functions well will outperform any drug. Ozone therapy serves to improve the terrain of your body and let your body become more effective at fighting disease.