Ozone therapy at home for ear, nose, and throat conditions

Table of Contents

At a glance:

  1. Ear, nose, and throat conditions can be bothersome, recurring, and hard to treat. For many conditions, only symptom management is available.
  2. Ozone therapy can provide unique ways to support the body to heal itself and fight infections. In many cases, it can help overcome hard-to-treat conditions. 
  3. Ear and breathing ozone oil, along with topical ozone oil and water use are easy ways to use ozone therapy for ear, nose, and throat conditions at home. However, systemic methods, such as rectal insufflation and ozone IV can also be very beneficial. 
  4. Beyond just disinfecting on contact, ozone therapy jumpstarts and speeds healing, improves blood flow and oxygenation, and supports mitochondrial function. 
  5. Ozone therapy may help with hearing, balance, sinus issues, problems with the head, or even allergies, cold, and flu. 

Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) conditions can be very bothersome and hard to treat. Many people struggle with recurring issues that warrant surgery or ongoing medications to control the symptoms. Moreover, some ENT conditions like hearing loss and tinnitus tend to arise with age. Whereas, some infectious ENT conditions may often come back after successful treatment. When infections in the ENT areas remain untreated, they run the risk of progressing to the brain. 

Ozone has both antimicrobial and regenerative benefits. Many studies have demonstrated its effectiveness against recurring or treatment-resistant infections. The gas can penetrate narrow areas and hard-to-reach spaces like the sinus cavities and ear canal. Therefore, ozone therapy may have many unique advantages over conventional treatments.

Important Considerations

Ozone ear insufflation is very safe, although it can cause temporary and minor irritations at excess concentrations.

Because ozone can be toxic to the lungs, it is important to proceed with caution. Ideally, work with a provider trained in ozone therapy to determine the appropriateness of the treatment, the correct dosage, and duration, and to minimize the risk of adverse effects. 

Ozone therapy may also be an add-on to your current treatments rather than as stand-alone treatments.

Various ways to use ozone therapy for ears, nose, and throat conditions

Ear insufflation

The ear canal is connected to the sinus cavity and the throat through the Eustachian Tube. The sinus is also connected to the brain through the olfactory nerve (not pictured). So, ear insufflation can deliver ozone to the sinus and the brain.

Ear insufflation means putting gas into the ear canal. For ozone ear therapy, you’ll use a headphone or stethoscope-like device to push ozone into the ear canals.

Your ear canals are connected to the auditory nerve, which is part of the brain. The ear canals are also linked to your sinus cavities through the eustachian tube, which explains why blowing your nose can hurt your ears. 

Ear insufflation may help with conditions involving the ears (hearing and balance issues) as much as areas near the ear canals, including:

  • Jaws and jawbones
  • The sides of the head
  • Sinus cavities
  • The brain and nerves in the head
  • Lymph nodes and glands near the ears or jaws

Ozone oil or water drops

Ozone oil or ozone water can be dropped into the ears, most likely to treat infections or stimulate regeneration. 

Ozone oil (ozonated oil) and ozone water drops introduce the therapeutic properties of ozone directly into the ear canal, providing a local treatment for various ear conditions.

Breathing ozone oil  

Breathing ozone oil involves the infusion of ozone through olive oil, then the vapor is passed directly into the nasal passages and sinuses. This avoids the toxic effects of ozone inhalation. 

Conditions treated by nasal insufflation include infectious or degenerate sinus tissues, such as loss of smell. Since the sinus cavities are connected to the brain, it may also help deliver the benefits of ozone to the brain.  

Rectal insufflation

Rectal insufflation involves placing ozone into the gut through the rectum. Ozone may interact with the blood through large veins in the rectum area, replicating some whole-body benefits of ozone autohemotherapy. Clinical trials have shown that it may be effective against tinnitus (see below).

Ozone therapy devices and supplies for ear, nose, and throat conditions at home

If you have a home ozone therapy machine, you can produce the ozone, or ozonate oil or water to use for ENT treatments along with insufflation kits. Alternatively, you can purchase ozone oil or ozone water to use as ear drops or rinse. The following are devices or supplies that can help with ENT conditions, based on clinical studies.

  • Medical-grade ozone generator or ozone therapy machine [1]
    • Produces medical-grade pure ozone-oxygen gas for various therapeutic applications.
    • Can produce ozone-oxygen gas at the desired concentration for nasal or ear insufflation, or to produce ozone oil or water.
  • Ear Insufflation Kits
    • Consist of an ozone generator, tubing, and a special earpiece for delivering ozone directly into the ear canal.
    • Are specifically designed for pushing ozones into the ear canals
  • Breathing Ozone Oil Devices
    • Passes ozone through oil, and then passing the resulting vapor into the nasal cannula
    • May help with treating sinus infections, allergies, and other nasal or respiratory conditions.
  • Rectal Insufflation Devices
    • Introduce ozone gas into the rectum to deliver gut and whole-body benefits.
    • May help with treating conditions that benefit from systemic ozone effects, such as inflammatory conditions and infections
  • Ozonated Water [2]: may be swallowed, gargled, or used as ear or sinus wash
  • Ozone Oil [3] can be diluted into the right concentration and dropped into the ear

How ozone therapy helps with ear, nose, and throat conditions

1. Antimicrobial to sterilize and clean your ears

Ozone exposures can kill bacteria, virus, and fungi in the ear and sinus cavities without damaging tissues or the gut flora. The gas also breaks biofilm, where these microbes can hide from antibiotics. This makes ozone insufflation effective for treating infections like ear and sinus infections [4].

2. Anti-inflammatory and immune modulation

Ozone therapy delivers tiny amounts of oxidants that jumpstarts and rebalances the immune system. This can over stagnant inflammation that inhibits healing. Also, since imbalanced immune functions can cause allergies or autoimmunity, ozone treatment may be benefit allergies and autoimmune-related hearing loss [5].

3. Improves oxygenation and blood flow

Blood flow brings oxygen and nutrients, which are crucial for healing. When you have acute injuries or infections, the body tends to naturally reduce blood flow to the area, which can slow down the healing. Ozone therapy can give oxygen to the tissue and promote blood flow. This improves healing processes in injuries like inner ear loud noise trauma and eardrum perforations [6].

4. Stimulates cellular antioxidant defenses

Excess oxidative stress, which can come from infections and inflammation, can interfere with healing. Ozone therapy introduces a tiny amount of oxidative stress that stimulates the body’s antioxidant responses, helping to mitigate oxidative stress and improve cellular health. This is useful for managing chronic conditions and enhancing recovery from acoustic trauma [7].

5. Stimulates mitochondrial function and anti-aging pathways

Some ENT conditions such as tinnitus and hearing loss tend to arise due to age. Research has also found some links between these ear issues and brain conditions, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s [8]. By stimulating mitochondrial functions and cellular anti-aging pathways, ozone therapy may help with both ear and brain health. 

Ear, Nose, and Throat Conditions that May be Helped with Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy was used to treat many ENT conditions with studies describing protocols and their effectiveness back in the 1800s [9, 10].

Dr. Scheppegrell demonstrated his ozone therapy apparatus in his 1897 paper. 

Since then, ozone therapy devices and technology have significantly evolved to produce purer ozone for safer therapeutic uses. Many clinical studies have also confirmed the observations of these 1800 physicians. 


Tinnitus is the perception of noise or ringing in the ears when no external sound is present. It affects 15 - 20% people, and can be particularly distressing [11].

Some people who have tinnitus may have or eventually develop vertigo. 

Symptoms may include:

  • Ringing, buzzing, hissing, roaring, or clicking sound in the ears
  • The sound may vary in pitch and intensity and can be present in one or both ears.

Currently, there is no cure for tinnitus, only symptom management.  

Ozone therapy may help with nighttime tinnitus by:

  • Increasing oxygen in the ear tissues
  • Improving metabolic pathways
  • Modulating nitric oxide levels, which dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

A systematic review of six studies evaluated the effectiveness of ozone therapy in treating nighttime tinnitus. The articles spanned interventions such as rectal insufflation of ozone and discussed ozone's therapeutic doses and protocols. The studies reviewed demonstrated that ozone therapy, particularly through rectal insufflation, significantly improved nighttime tinnitus symptoms. Patients experienced less vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and nystagmus (rapid, uncontrollable eye movements). Blood tests also showed improvements in systemic oxidative stress indicators, suggesting a redox balance restoration. The study claimed that treatment resolved nocturnal tinnitus with 100% efficacy in the few studies that were available to review [12]. 

The review also claimed that patients reported increased vitality, energy, and cognitive function, alongside a notable decrease in tinnitus intensity, contributing to significant physical and psychological improvements.

However, a placebo-controlled trial using autohemotherapy in 68 patients found that ozone combined with beta-histine was not significantly effective for tinnitus [13]. 

The reviews reported no adverse effects from the ozone treatments. Therefore, breathing ozone oil or ear insufflation may be safe and beneficial for tinnitus, although the effects may be individual. 


Vertigo is a chronic condition when a patient feels spinning or swaying even though they’re stationary. It is an inner ear disorder that affects the brain’s ability to balance the body [14].

Some people who have vertigo also have tinnitus. 

Symptoms may include:

  • Dizziness or a spinning sensation
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Balance problems
  • Nystagmus (abnormal eye movements)
  • Headache and sweating

Ozone therapy addresses underlying factors like inflammation and circulation that can contribute to the condition.

A systematic review examined 264 studies and found three to be of sufficient quality for analysis [12].

The most remarkable one out of three was a Cuban uncontrolled trial with 50 patients.

These patients had suffered from various symptoms of vestibulocochlear syndrome lasting for over three months, including hearing loss, tinnitus, mild peripheral vertigo, and nystagmus. They received 20 ozone injections into the area between the cervical spine 2 and 3 [15]. 

The study found that:

  • 90% had improved vertigo
  • 80% had improved hearing loss
  • 65% had improved tinnitus
  • 100% had improved nystagmus

Another study in this review examined patients with Meniere’s disease. Participants received 8 mg/L of ozone at 60 mL/min for 10 minutes and also received the standard treatment called pressure-pulse therapy for 10 minutes each day. The treatment period lasted 10 days. The severity and frequency of the vertigo and tinnitus were significantly reduced, but other symptoms were not [16]. 

No side effects were reported during the study, underscoring the safety of ozone therapy for vertigo, tinnitus, and Meniere’s disease. These results highlight the potential of ozone therapy as a beneficial intervention for conditions related to vestibular and cochlear dysfunction [15].

Hearing loss

Hearing loss is the partial or total inability to hear sounds in one or both ears. It's classified into two main types: sensorineural and conductive [17]:

  • Sensorineural: Caused by damage to the inner ear or the nerve pathways from the inner ear to the brain.
  • Conductive: Results from obstructions or damages to the outer or middle ear that prevents sound from being conducted to the inner ear.

Conventional treatments for hearing loss include hearing aids, cochlear implants, surgery, antibiotics to treat infections, and treating other underlying conditions. 

Ozone therapy at home may help both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss by addressing underlying conditions or enhancing overall ear health.

In a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, parallel group clinical trial, forty five patients suffering from sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) either received IV autohemotherapy or placebo treatment. 

23 out of 30 (77%) patients in the ozone group significantly improved their hearing. Whereas, only 6 out of 15 (40%) in the control group improved their hearing. Furthermore, patients treated with ozone therapy significantly improved all measured hearing parameters - mean hearing gains, pure tone averages, speech reception thresholds, and subjective recovery rates. 

In conclusion, ozone therapy might potentially be very helpful for sensorineural hearing loss, but benefits are individual [18].

Temporomandibular Joint disorder (TMJ)

Temporomandibular joint disorder, (also abbreviated TMJ, TMJD, or TMD), is a chronic pain disorder affecting the jaw joint and surrounding muscles and ligaments. TMJ may arise from physical stress on the joints or muscles, misalignments, or other musculoskeletal disorders. Symptoms may include pain, limited jaw movements, disrupted sleep, headache, and teeth grinding that can wear down dentin [19]. 

TMJ is a condition with no official cure, as most treatments like massages, painkillers, and antidepressants only manage the symptoms. Since the TMJ joints are very close to the ears, it's often treated by ozone ear insufflation

Ozone therapy for TMJ involves:

Pain disorders tend to improve with more blood flow, tissue oxygenation, and lower inflammation. Ozone therapy may help with TMJ by providing these factors and also support joint regeneration in cases of significant joint wear. 

Most clinical trials of ozone therapy for TMJ injected the gas into the joint. However, many ozone dentists use ear insufflation as a less invasive way to treat TMJ with ozone.

A review of six articles involving 176 patients investigated the impact of ozone therapy on TMJ disorders, particularly in terms of pain management. Most trials reported that ozone therapy significantly helped with pain and improved jaw movements in TMJ patients [20]. In one trial, 87% (26/30) of patients in the ozone therapy group completely resolved their TMJ.

Sinus infection

Sinus infections, or sinusitis, occur when the cavities around nasal passages (sinuses) become inflamed and swollen for at least 12 weeks, despite treatment attempts. This condition can interfere with drainage and cause mucus buildup [21].

The causes could be viral, bacterial, fungal, or allergies. You may feel congestion or blockage with constantly swollen sinus or discolored mucus. Some patients may also feel facial pain or pressure.

Ozone therapy for sinus infections can be applied through nasal or ear insufflation, or a sinus rinse with ozone water. The ozone treatment can help with:

  • Eliminating pathogens
  • Jumpstarting immune function to clear inflammation and heal
  • Breaking mucus
  • Reducing congestion 

In a clinical study, 39 patients with two types of chronic sinusitis used 0.9% ozonated saline to rinse their sinus. The ozone therapy group stopped discharging mucus 2 - 3 days earlier than the control group [22]. 

Therefore, ozone therapy can be a highly effective adjunct to traditional treatments for sinusitis, offering promising results in speeding up recovery and improving patient outcomes.

Brain fog

Brain fog (also called cognitive dysfunction or mild cognitive impairment) is not a medical condition. It’s a vague term typically used to describe symptoms like declining mental clarity, focus, memory, and other aspects of cognitive function [23]. Brain fog could be a mild symptom from lifestyle factors such as sleep deprivation, poor nutrition, and stress. However, it could also be a symptom of more serious mental health and neurologic conditions, such as depression and Alzheimer’s disease. In some cases, brain fog may be an early symptom of developing serious conditions or a symptom during recovery from an illness.

Ozone therapy works by boosting tissue oxygenation, blood flow, and mitochondria function, making it a promising treatment for brain and mental health [24].

The leading root causes of brain fog include increased oxidative stress and inflammation, along with poor mitochondria function. Some medications and hormone imbalances can also contribute to brain fog. Low oxygenation and brain blood flow can also contribute to brain fog. These causes have many ripple effects, such as lower acetylcholine, a key neurotransmitter in cognition and memory.

You can’t directly apply ozone to the brain. However, rectal insufflation or ozone IV can deliver full-body effects, including the brain. Also, ear and nasal insufflation with ozone oil vapor may deliver some brain benefits of ozone, just as the sinus membrane can allow some substances into the brain. In fact, many people anecdotally report improved mental clarity after receiving ozone IV, saunas, and rectal insufflation

A clinical trial of 16 patients experiencing treatment resistant depression and anxiety due to cancer treatment and advanced non-oncologic diseases received ozone therapy. 56% of the study participants were already receiving anxiolytic and/or antidepressant treatments. Ozone therapy resulted in significant improvements in anxiety and depression, as evidenced by both the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) subscales and the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire.

This study underscores the potential of ozone therapy as a complementary treatment modality. It may help with mental wellbeing and cognitive function, even though the studies in healthy people are limited [25].

Ear infections and ear discharge

Ear infections refer to bacteria or viral infections in the middle ear. It can also happen as a complication from cold, flu, or allergies. 

Ear discharge, or otorrhea, refers to any fluid from the ear. It's a symptom rather than a disease itself and can vary in appearance (clear, bloody, or pus-like) depending on the cause [26]. You may have fluids leaking from the ears along with ear pain, and potentially hearing loss.

Common causes of ear discharge include ear infections, perforated ear drums, and ear surgery. 

The standard treatments for ear infections include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory or pain medications, along with mechanically removing wax or pus from the ears. While these treatments are essential, they allow the damaged ear tissues to regenerate without boosting the regenerative capacity. Also, ear infections can often recur, especially in children, leading to frequent antibiotic use [27]. 

Ozone therapy can uniquely help with ear infections and ear discharge by:

  • Helping to disinfect the ear canal with its broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties
  • Stimulating the immune cells in the infected tissues to work against the microbes and heal the damages
  • Overall supporting tissue regeneration by boosting oxygenation and blood flow
  • Reducing pain and discomfort
  • Helping to avoid damage to the gut flora from oral antibiotic use

Ozone therapy for ear discharge can be used alone or in combination with conventional treatment. It could be ear insufflation, ear wash with ozone water, or drops with ozone oil

A clinical trial enrolled 52 patients diagnosed with chronic purulent mesotympanitis (CPM), or persistent ear discharge and inflammation of the eardrum. Participants received ear insufflation with ozone concentration 600 microg/l of oxygen-ozone mix 5-7 times. For comparison, 18 control patients received standard treatment without ozone-oxygen irrigations.

81% of patients in the ozone group stopped having ear discharge and inflammation of the eardrums. The ozone group also had reduced inflammation markers, and the bacteria in their ears became more sensitive to antibiotics. 

This article concluded that ozone therapy could help with inflamed eardrums by directly eliminating pathogens, enhancing antibiotic efficacy, reducing inflammation, and improving the immune response and oxygenation of the affected tissues [4]. It can be a powerful part of a multi-faceted approach.

Inner ear acoustic trauma

Inner ear acoustic trauma is when very loud noise damages your inner ear structures, like the cochlear or ear drums. This can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss, ear fullness sensation, and tinnitus [28].

Common causes may include:

  • Exposure to loud noises (above 85 decibels), such as machinery, explosions, or loud music
  • Sudden, extremely loud blasts of sound, like gunfire or fireworks close to the ear

Home-based ozone therapy for inner ear acoustic trauma might involve ear insufflation or the use of ozonated oils. These methods aim to sterilize, promote healing of the damaged inner ear structures, and mitigate symptoms like tinnitus and hearing loss.

A rat study tested the protective effects of ozone therapy on hearing loss from noise trauma. Thirty-two rats were distributed into four treatments- acoustic trauma, ozone ear insufflation 24 hours before acoustic trauma, ozone without undergoing trauma, and no treatment or exposure.

Acoustic trauma was induced using 105 dB white band noise for four hours. To evaluate the impact of the interventions, the animals received two tests: Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE) and Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) tests on days 1, 5, and 10 following the trauma. The ozone group had significant improvements on both tests on days 5 and 10, rebounding close to baseline measurements.

Based on this study ozone seems to speed up ear damage from noise, and it’s likely to do so in humans, too. Also, ozone ear treatment is easy to do and can be done preventively from home [29].

Other types of eardrum injuries

Eardrum injuries (tympanic membrane perforation) can disrupt normal hearing and make the middle ear more susceptible to infections [30].

Common causes may include:

  • Middle ear infections (otitis media) leading to increased pressure and rupture
  • Trauma, such as a severe blow to the ear, sudden pressure changes, or inserting objects into the ear
  • Loud sounds or blasts (acoustic trauma)

Symptoms may include:

  • Ear pain, potentially sudden and sharp
  • Hearing loss or diminished hearing in the affected ear
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)

Ozone therapy can help keep the ear canals sterilized to avoid infections and complications. It can also promote healing and prevent further complications. You can do it from home with ear insufflation, ozone oil ear drops, or ozone water irrigations. However, if you have perforated eardrum, ear insufflation is usually contraindicated but you can use ozone therapy in other ways.

An animal study explored the histopathological effects of both local and systemic ozone therapy on experimental eardrum injuries. After inducing traumatic perforations, rats were segregated into four groups: no intervention, 0.5 mL of ozone oil ear drop, 1.0 mL of 1 µg/mL ozone as rectal insufflation, or ozone oil ear drop + rectal insufflation for 10 days. 

Groups treated with ozone—locally, rectally, or a combination of both—showed significantly enhanced cell growth and tissue regeneration when compared to the control group. This means the ozone treatment led to a marked improvement in wound healing (p<0.05). Local and ozone applications can significantly help heal the eardrums, suggesting it might do the same with humans [31].


Allergies are the immune system's hypersensitive reactions to otherwise harmless environmental substances (allergens) [32].

In addition to the presence of allergens, genetic factors, gut flora, and your immune tendency play a role.

Ozone may help particularly by helping to balance inflammation in the sinus. However, it’s not safe to inhale as ozone inhalation can damage the lungs or exacerbate asthma. 

Ozone therapy at home for allergies might involve nasal or ear insufflations which promote a balanced immune response in the sinus and ear cavities. However, whole-body therapy such as IV ozone and rectal insufflation may also be beneficial.

A clinical trial explored the effects of systemic ozone therapy on various biomarkers and lung function in asthma patients, focusing on serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels, human leukocyte antigen DR (HLA-DR), and antioxidant pathways. Asthma patients underwent two distinct ozone therapy protocols for a year, including major autohemotherapy (MAHT) with doses of 4 and 8 mg across 15 sessions for each cycle (5 - 6 months each), and rectal insufflation (RI) at a dose of 10 mg for 20 sessions per cycle.

There were significant reductions in IgE and HLA-DR levels across all treatment types, as well as glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and glutathione S-transferase. Lung function and symptomatology improved. MAHT at 8 mg showed the greatest benefit, followed by MAHT at 4 mg, and finally rectal insufflation at 10 mg. These findings illuminate the potential role of systemic ozone therapy to help manage allergic conditions like asthma [33].

Meniere's disease

Meniere's disease is a chronic disorder of the inner ear characterized by episodes of vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus (a ringing or buzzing noise in the ear), and a feeling of fullness in the affected ear. The condition typically affects only one ear.

The exact cause is unknown, but it could be related to a fluid imbalance in the inner ear. Potential contributing factors include viral infections, autoimmunity, genetics, and abnormal fluid drainage [34].

Ozone therapy for Meniere's disease can involve ear insufflation or systemic applications such as ozonated water drinking or rectal insufflation to reduce symptoms and improve inner ear health.

A clinical trial involved 15 patients (8 men and 7 women) who had been experiencing Meniere's disease for 1 - 3 years, all of whom had permanent sensorineural hearing loss. Efficacy of the treatments was evaluated using objective hearing measures, such as otoacoustic emissions and the short-increment sensitivity index (SISI) tests. The patient also submitted subjective reports before and after the therapy. Treatment protocol consisted of simultaneous ozone therapy and pressure-pulse treatments, administered in 10-minute sessions daily over a span of 10 consecutive days. 

Results revealed that while the objective measures did not statistically significantly change post-treatment, the ozone group had much better subjective wellbeing. Specifically, patients reported less frequent and severe Meniere's disease attacks, as well as a reduction in tinnitus. 

Although the objective hearing tests didn’t change, ozone therapy could be very beneficial for Meniere’s disease [16].

Cold and flu recovery

Cold and flu are very common viral infections that affect the ears, nose, and throat. There is no cure aside from some antivirals and supportive therapy. 

As an immunomodulator, ozone can help support the immune system to reduce the duration and severity of the illness. Ozone may also deactivate viruses and improve tissue oxygenation, which may help with symptoms from lower respiratory capacity due to the illness [35].

Most clinical trials in this category arose during the pandemic as it was used as an experimental treatment for severe cases. They were delivered as major autohemotherapy, rectal insufflation, and as ozone oil nasal sprays [36]. 

In a report of 4 severe case patients, rectal ozone insufflation (35 mcg/mL, 1mL/s, 100mL of ozone-oxygen gas for 5 - 7 sessions) was a last resort treatment. The patients still needed high-flow oxygen despite all the standard treatments. Aside from brief bloating, there were no side effects from rectal insufflation. After five sessions, they experienced significant clinical, biochemical, and radiologic improvements [37]. 

Another report described 2 cases that were hypoxic despite oxygen treatment. One was a 60-year-old woman who was on high-flow mechanical ventilation. Another was a 40-year-old man who was hypoxic with an oxygen face mask. Within a few hours of ozone rectal insufflation (25.2 mg of ozone), the patients gradually improved. They eventually improved and were discharged in 10 and 3 days, respectively [38].

In conclusion, less invasive ozone therapy, such as rectal and nasal insufflation, may be a powerful method to keep immune functions healthy. Once you do catch a sniffle, it can help you recover faster and better. 


Ozone therapy for ENT conditions are very safe and can often provide unique benefits beyond what’s available from conventional medicine. For instructions, check out our articles on:


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