Why you don’t want a cheap ozone therapy machine

Table of Contents

What to expect from this article:

  • Criteria for a medical grade ozone generator
  • Issues with cheap ozone therapy generators
  • What to look for in an ozone therapy machine

Criteria for a medical grade ozone generator

When it comes to ozone therapy, safety is THE number one priority. Medical grade ozone generators are designed to be safe when used appropriately.

And while there are a number of different types of ozone generators, they only qualify as “medical grade” if they meet the following criteria. Anything less can cause serious harm. 


Ozone compatibility

Ozone is a strong oxidant, which means it easily breaks materials down, such as certain rubber, plastic, and metals. If the wrong components are used, the ozone will break down the components and leach micro-contaminations into the gas, which are counterproductive for the body. 

A true medical grade ozone generator is made entirely from ozone-resistant materials. 


A medical ozone generator must use oxygen that is at least 99.9% pure. Out of the gate, this eliminates both room air and oxygen concentrators.  

  • An oxygen concentrator will provide 95% pure oxygen at best.  The additional nitrogen and argon will create impurities that are harmful to the body.
  • Room air will produce a lot of harmful gas contaminants once it goes through the generator.  This is only good for air purification or making ozone water.


A medical ozone generator must produce consistently accurate readings of ozone.

For example, we’ve tested machines that say they put out 40 gamma of ozone at a certain setting but actually produced 120 gamma.  This concentration is way too high and will damage the cells. 

That’s why it’s crucial for medical grade ozone generators to be accurate.  Every single ozone generator needs to be quality tested and calibrated for accuracy.

Issues with cheap ozone therapy generators

None of the cheap ozone generators we have seen on the market meet the above criteria.  They’re cheap because they skimp on the materials used and the quality control procedures taken — producing inaccurate concentrations and impurities in the gas.

A cheap ozone generator typically costs less than $600.  

If the manufacturers invested appropriately into the ozone technology, they would not be able to sell it for less than $600.

So they cut corners.

What to look for in an ozone therapy machine

Along with the above criteria, we recommend considering the following:

  • Lifetime warranty
  • Money back guarantees - so you can try it out and see if it works.  
  • Helpful customer service in case you have questions
  • Additional free resources are a bonus

click here to download our guide on how to get started with ozone therapy 

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